
W2U Weather Animation Studio is online system for generating weather show for broadcasting on TV stations or any kind of public screens like street billboards, shopping malls, hotels.

W2U Weather Animation Studio allows you to create your own Weather Movie with scenario and design predefined by W2U or by yourself as well. The end product is a MPEG4 Movie which could be downloaded any time from our pages. Service setup is free. Weather animation is offered in both white-label and ad-supported version.

Weather Animation Studio can also produce weather forecast for newspapers, in a print-ready format.

basic advanced pro pro+ pro++
country (1 day forecast)
country (up to 6 days forecast)
country with a zoom into regions
continent that country belong to
6 days forecast (1 city)
6 days forecast ( up to 5 cities)
clouds+precipitation+temperature fields
Weather Pro
W2U web Weather Animation Studio
web Weather Feeds (50 cities)
web WeatherBox
web WeatherMap
meteorological text
support (in any matters) email email email email 24/7
with W2U logo and link (per month) £99 £299 £599 £1099 £3099
without W2U logo and link (per month) £299 £499 £999 £1499 £3499
  • Standard Pricing: 3 months in advance
  • Paying in advance: 6 months 7% off, 12 months 15% off
  • Setup is free - setup time: 72h
  • WeatherPro contains professional Weather Maps for continent and country (for meteorologists), 180 hours forecast, 3 weather models (wind speed 10m/100m, clouds, low clouds, convective clouds, rain, temperature 2m, soil temperature, soil wetness, 500/850 hPa temperature, 700 hPa wind, visibility, snow, snow depth, rain/snow, daily precipitation acc, daily snow acc)
  • Meteorological text - (for movie background voice or presenter)
  • Clouds+Precipitation+Temperature fields (continent and country map, 168 hours forecast)
  • Weather Animation Studio (web app) allows you to use your own graphical solution, background maps and weather icons, and create your own Weather Scenario daily basis
  • Weather Feeds contains 6 days daily and hourly weather forecast for 50 cities
  • additional - World Weather Animation, one day forecast (weather icons, min/max temperature) - price £499
  • additional - 6 days forecast for 1 city £29
  • additional - 1 region zoom £49

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